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Stupidity and Ignorance

I think we place too much emotion into words. We read sentences with an emotional tone in our heads that isn't always there.

Take the words stupidity and ignorance for instance, when someone reads these two words, they often blend then into one common idea that illicits a reaction interpreting a judgement of value. Stupidity is merely the absence of knowledge, while ignorance is the refusal of knowledge. These things are not judgments of personal value, simply a categorization of why the knowledge isn't present.

If you insist on structuring your reality through an artificial hierarchy of human value, I'm not able to join you on that experience. I long ago realized the faulty logic of that equation, and see it as an inherent cause of human suffering.

I bring something different into the perspective I'm presented with. Regardless of how it appears in your mind, my intention is not to bring any judgment upon you, only to challenge your perception, to enlighten you to the juxtaposition of your current understanding.

Please note that I am not responsible for any of the emotions that you feel, the only one responsible for that is you.


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